What is bullying?

Bullying is when someone is intentionally nasty to someone else again and again, but that person cannot defend their self.

Bullying generally takes one of four forms:

  • Verbal (e.g. name calling)
  • Physical (e.g. hitting)
  • Indirect or Emotional (e.g. exclusion, spreading rumours)
  • Cyber (via mobile phone or internet)

Common examples of bullying include:

  • Racial (based on skin colour or culture)
  • Religious (based on beliefs)
  • Homophobic (based on sexual orientation)
  • Disabled (based on disability or learning difficulty)

Bullying can also be based on appearance, ability, gender, inappropriate sexual behaviour or home circumstances (e.g. young carer, looked after child).

Isolated instances of hurtful behaviour, teasing or arguments between individuals of equal power should not be seen as bullying.