Parents and Carers
This section is for parents and carers to find out what bullying is and how to support children and young people.
"My 4 year old son is being bullied pretty badly. I'm doing what I can to take care of it. I want to tell him to defend himself but I don't want him to become a bully." Concerned parent
Bullying explained
Bullying is when someone is intentionally nasty to someone else again and again, but that person cannot defend their self
Reporting bullying
Telling an adult in charge about the bullying is the best way to put a stop to it. Working with them will make it easier to find a solution that works
How can I support my child?
Although every situation is different, some general advice is provided on recognising the signs and preventing bullying
Top tips
As a parent, carer or guardian, you play a major part in protecting your child from bullying
What if my child is bullying others?
It can be very difficult to admit your child is bullying others. If you think your child may be bullying others, you need to talk with them and give them the opportunity to tell you what is happening
Where can I find support?
All school and youth settings should help you find a solution to concerns you have about bullying. Schools should also have a member of staff who can tell you about peer support schemes and counselling sessions they offer